
Coaching Process

How Coaching Works in Practice: A 4-stage Process

At Career 3.0, I use the following structured approach to helping you discover what it is you want to achieve and unleash your full potential.

“The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what YOU want.”

Coaching Process

I use variety of techniques, including personality and cognitive measures, to gain an understanding of each individual. This is key for the start of the process and it outlines the plan ahead. Sometimes, goals get changed along the way, because as self-awareness IMPROVES, individuals realise they want something different. It can be an end goal (ex: become the market leader, to be promoted director, to win a project) or it could be a performance goal. There is a crucial moment here about the value of choice and responsibility. In addition, it has been proven that a goal need to be:

SMART : Specific, Measurable, Agreed, Realistic, Time phased

PURE : Positively stated, Understood, Relevant, Ethical

CLEAR : Challenging, Legal, Environmentally sound, Appropriate, Recorded.

Asking the “tough” questions to compel you to be engaged and to deliver a high quality input to guide your coaching process. Feedback gives a clear picture of strengths and opportunities that are at hand. At this stage, we encourage you to think, to examine, to feel, to be engaged, to focus and to discuss everything openly with your coach which you think could be relevant.

Together we determine the specific steps that will improve your performance and unlock your full potential. We create an environment in which participant will feel safe enough to express their thoughts and ideas without inhibitions or fear of judgement from the coach or others. Finally, you will go away with a clear plan to implement your most ambitious goals.

How do you know you will attain your goals? When are you going to do it? Will this action meet your goal? What obstacles might you meet along the way? What supports do you need? How and when are you going to get that support? All these questions help clarify the details of the chosen options and the optional follow up if necessary. It is usual helpful to have a follow up session after a few months to discuss the progress and the success of your coaching process.