Just got awarded the next level of accreditation with The Association for Coaching with some of the following feedback. Thank you. I am happy to see this reflected in my
Executive Coaching has gained a lot of traction over the past few years as both individuals and organisations have started to see tangible, first-hand benefits. Simply put, it improves the effectiveness of individuals and therefore organisations. Tim Gallaway, author of best-seller “The Inner Game” put is as follows: “Coaching is unlocking people’s potential to maximize their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them.”
Executive Coaching is a one-to-one conversation to enhance an individual’s skills, knowledge or work performance. Coaching objectives can be about improving performance at work and usually focuses on specific skills and goals, although it may also have an impact on an individual’s personal attributes (such as emotional intelligence or confidence).
It can also help you discover your self-motivation. Anyone who is coached will become more motivated, more independent and more responsible. The process will invariably expand and extend your thinking, with continuous challenge, clear goals and objectives where you become accountable for your own development and improvement. It is not only a journey to self-development, but also a definite tool to increasing performance, and ultimately a feeling of fulfilment. The end goal ultimately is greater self-awareness and fresher perspectives.