This is a collection of some of the questions I usually receive about how I work and how my Coaching can help:
1 – Who is getting coached? Nowadays, everyone and anyone. From board level executives to sales managers, entrepreneurs in need of inspiration, or stay at home mums, as long as they wish to move to the next level up of their potential!
A listening ear, in itself, has a dramatic impact on us, because that’s how we feel cared for, nurtured and relevant. Beyond any other Coaching techniques, this is the most important part of the process. It gives us the confidence to think of things one has not imagined before and to achieve one’s most desired goals. A listening ear with the technical tools to empower is what I do.
2 – How long before one sees results/change? It depends but self awareness does often occur from the first sessions and change can happen very quickly and sometimes even before we notice it consciously. Profound changes take generally 5-6 sessions.
3 – How long does it take? Coaching is not therapy so meetings every 4-5 weeks sometimes less often even, meaning Coaching sessions can take place as often as required to enable the Coachee to implement something we talked about. But 6 sessions over a period of 5-6 months are the norm.
4 – How much does it cost? I tailor my prices to individual needs but in all cases, I offer a first session for free (via Skype, telephone or face to face), to get to know each other and make sure there is a fit. This is a kind of assessment and taking stock of the situation as well.
5 – One of my personal achievement as an example: A Coach I worked with recently has helped me in many ways but specifically: I wanted to start feeling healthy and get back in shape after my second baby. One of my decision as a result of 2 coaching sessions was to start running which, I couldn’t do before. 1 min into it and I was out of breath. I can now run the 5K!! 4 months ago, I was really helpless at running and I am dreaming now of running marathons in a few years…Nothing is impossible! Meanwhile, I feel in shape and energised.